open cookbook on kitchen counter with herbs in the background

Cook Books and Idea Books 

This section includes a variety of cookbooks for a variety of disabilities.

Look for mainstream titles that say "quick and easy" for folks with busy lifestyles! Also look for crock-pot cookery and one-pot meals, as well as guides for a week of cooking (or several days), with subsequent shopping lists; they're very practical.

Cooking with Feeling (FEEL)Deborah DeBord. Publisher: National Braille Press, Inc.; ISBN-10: 0939173409, available as eBraille to download. A print version is no longer available. Deborah DeBord, an experienced blind cook, shares 180 adaptive culinary techniques for the visually impaired.

Visual Reciples: A Cookbook for Non-Readers by Tabitha Orth. Book has been written for individuals with autism and other developmental disorders. 

Let's Cook! Health Meals for Independent Living by Elizabeth D. Riesz, Anne Kissack and 4 more. Book is designed for adults with special needs, for individuals learning English and older adults who need easy-to-read text.

The Kitchen Classroom: 32 Visual GFCF Recipes to Boost Developmental Skills by Gabrielle Kaplan-Mayer. Book for parents and teachers with 32 quick and tasty gluten-free (GF) and casein-free (CF) recipes. 

Cook by Color: Recipes for Independence by Joan E Guthrie Medlen. Designed for teens and adults wtih disabilities.

The Picture Cookbook, No-Cook Recipes for the Special Chef by Joyce Dassonville and Ehren McDow. Books is the first in a series of 4 for special needs including autism.

Mealtime Manual for People with Disabilities and the Aging by Judith L. Klinger. Focuses on hands-on skills, kitchen planning, handling utensils, serving, etc. 

Well Aged: Dining with Dignity by Ginny Gordon Walters. Resource guide for anyone caring for an elderly or person with a disability. Contains easy-to-prepare, easy-to-handle, and easy-to-chew recipes.

Eat Right for Your Sight: Simple, Tasty Recipes that Help Reduce the Risk of Vision Loss from Macular Degeneration by Jennifer Trainer Thompson. Contains 85 recipes rich in the nutrients that fight acular degeneration. 

Visionary Kitchen: A Cookbook for Eye Health by Sandra Young OD. Contains low glycemic impact recipes

The See-Easy Large Print Cookbook by Elinor O'Grady. All pages produced in 24 pt type.

Jumbo Print Cookbook by Friends of the Center for the Blind in 36 point 1/2 inch type, on Amazon.

Cookbook Mate for the Blind and Sighted by Barbara Rogers, on Amazon.

When the Cook Can't Look: A Cooking Handbook for the Blind and Visually Impaired, by Ralph Read, on Amazon. Also available in Braille and large type on Amazon.


Note: Infinitec Inc. does not endorse or recommend these products and has no liability for the results of their use. Infinitec Inc. has received no consideration of any type for featuring any product on this Web site. The information offered herein is a summary; it is not comprehensive and should be carefully evaluated by consumers with the assistance of qualified professionals. The intention of Infinitec Inc. is to offer consumers a brief overview of various assistive technology devices and their applications.