golf ball on tee
Adaptive Golf
Consider making golf one of your favorite activities; it's very easy to adapt for seated players—just use shorter putters and a ball retriever! See the companies below that sell adapted golf equipment.
There are many  wheelchairs that will stand a player upright and enable him/her to putt. The ParaGolfer from Ottobock is designed to navigagate golf terrain and enables the player to stand upright and use a normal two-handed swing.
You'll of course, consider miniature golf courses because it requires less rolling, but if that gets old, consider borrowing or renting a power chair to play nine holes at a regular course. Or, if you can make the transfers okay, rent a golf cart! Below are two companies that sell adaptive golf equipment. You may also obtain additional information about adapting your sport from the folks at Access to Recreation.

Upright Golf
Upright Golf produces the Adaptive Golf Stick Combo, designed specifically for golfers that play or practice from a seated position. Upright Golf also sells adaptive putters and a ball retriever attachment that allows golfers to remain upright, eliminating the game's repetitive bending and stooping. 

The Powerglove
he Powerglove has a special strap that locks the club into position throughout the swing.  It is recommended for those with arthritis or a weak grip.

Access to Recreation
Click on Equipment for Outdoor Activities on the left to search for golf equipment. Clever Clubs®, sold here, are a line of golf clubs for people that use a wheelchair; available in a Shorty set for use from the side.

Carries sports and recreation products for amputees

War Amps
Canadian organization showing some adaptations for arm amputees who want to play golf. Click this link for adaptations for leg amputees.

Note: Infinitec Inc. does not endorse or recommend these products and has no liability for the results of their use. Infinitec Inc. has received no consideration of any type for featuring any product on this Web site. The information offered herein is a summary; it is not comprehensive and should be carefully evaluated by consumers with the assistance of qualified professionals. The intention of Infinitec Inc. is to offer consumers a brief overview of various assistive technology devices and their applications