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Transition Programs: School-to-School and School-to-Work
Making a transition to higher learning or the job market is difficult for all students, but students with disabilities face unique challenges. That's why transition programs were created. Students with disabilities can take advantage of these special programs to continue on a productive path. Whether that's moving on to college, receiving vocational training, or heading directly to the job market, persons with disabilities can use transition programs to make the most of his/her opportunities. 
Parental Support
But students need family support. Parents and siblings play a key role in getting their young adult headed in the right direction. Help and guidance for the entire family are hallmarks of a good program. The organizations listed below under Transition Resources are here to help, providing information, online articles, workshops, and other useful tools. 
But first, hang on to the A.T. device!
In the past, students moving out of the school system had to give up assistive technology devices and services. These devices and services allow students to participate in a productive life. 
Once a need for special services and assistive technology devices has been established, needs don't disappear, so the technology shouldn't have to either! That's why the Department of Education determined that these vital devices are needed to facilitate transition into adult services and a productive adult life. The Department of Education also has determined that equipment can be transferred to other federal programs. 
Individual Education Plan (IEP)
Most of us in the disability community are familiar with early intervention programs for pre-school children, as well as individual education plans for students in elementary, middle, and high school. When a student is no older than 14, his/her IEP should include a transition plan.  Talk with your IEP case manager or high school guidance office to find out what kind of transitioning programs they offer. 

Transition Resources

NCSET coordinates national resources, offers technical assistance, and disseminates information related to secondary education and transition for youth with disabilities, in order to create opportunities for youth to achieve successful futures. On the NCSET Web site, visitors can find online articles, transcripts, workshop information and reports, state contacts, youth employment organizations, and more. 
This section of the website lists a selection of publications addressing transition.
YouTube video that describes how Vocational Rehabilitation Services can help students with disabilities be successful at school, work and in the community. 
This is a series of multi-media training modules designed to stand alone or be used in conjunction wih any or all the other modules.  Each module includes a video, the instructor's guide, PowerPoint slides, activities, handouts, additional reading and resources.