
Association of Driver Rehabilitation Specialists (ADED)
To find a driver's rehabilitation evaluation specialist near you, phone (866) 672.9466 or click here to search by country or state.

Car Insurance for People with Disabilities
This site covers insurance types that may be needed, how to customize your car to accommodate a disability and how to access transportation if you're unable to drive. 

Car Insurance for Drivers with Disabilities
This site discusses what is or isn't covered by your insurance, the impact of the ADA on purchasing car insurance, reimbursement programs for specialty equipment vehicles, plus other resources that may be helpful.

Car Ownership Programs to Serve Low-Income Earners
Chart listing vehicle loan and donation programs across the country. These programs apply to or could be expanded to apply to low-wage earners and their families, including older workers, veterans and military families and adult students.

A Comprehensive Guide on Road Safety for Parents
This in-depth guide to road safety is for parents.  It has advice categorized by age group; from picking the right car seat for a newborn through the use of booster seats to how parents can encourage their teen not to text and drive.



Marion Joy Rehabilitation Hospital Driving Rehabilitation Division
26 W. 171 Roosevelt Road
Wheaton, IL 60187
Phone:(630) 909.6080


SIU Rehabilitation Institute Carbondale
Phone: 618.536.7704


Hines VA
Building 228, Room 5012
5000 South 5th Avenue
Hines, IL 60141
Phone: (708) 202.8387, X 24382


National Resources

National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association (NMEDA)
3327 West Bears Ave.
Tampa, FL 33618
NMEDA provides guidelines and regulations for vehicle modifications and equipment vendors. NMEDA also holds annual conferences. 


RESNA Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America
1700 N. Moore St.
Suite 1540
Arlington, VA 22209-1903
Phone:(703) 524-6686
Fax:(703) 524-6630
For driving rehabilitation resources.