Locating Accessible Housing Locating an accessible house or apartment can be time-consuming, so it usually comes down to making a few modifications in an elevated apartment building or ranch-style house or trailer. Under the Fair Housing Act, a landlord cannot refuse to allow a renter to make reasonable accommodations to a rental unit for wheelchair accessibility, as long as the renter agrees to restore the unit to its original state, when he or she moves out. This article is a good step-by-step overview of finding and renting housing for people with disabilities. For assistance locating accessible housing, contact your local Independent Living Center; they will have referrals. A directory of all the CILs is listed on the Independent Living Research Utilization Project (ILRU) website. Here is the Activist's Blueprint for Action with suggestions for you if you are fighting for fair and affordable housing in your community. Check with other non-profit organizations for housing listings. Looking through mainstream classifieds and most realty companies is often fruitless, but look in your telephone directory yellow pages for realty companies that cater to locating properties with wheelchair access. There are a few rare birds! Of course, no move is complete without planning. Moving Advice for Seniors and People with Disabilities offers suggestions for a successful move. It discusses budget, cost-saving tips, safety, prevention of injuries, and ways to minimize stress. Barrier Free Home Over the Raindbow Association Renters' Rights for People with Disabilities ForRent.com ApartmentGuide.com Rent.com RENTCafe ApartmentList |